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Every Minute of Every School Day Counts

The school year is already moving by quickly. Please keep in mind school attendance
is very important and will help your child succeed both now and later on
in life. While being late to school occasionally may not seem like a big deal, every
minute of school counts. When your child is late to school even by a few
minutes, he/she is missing out on valuable class time. When your child misses a
whole day of school, he/she is missing out on instruction and class work. Unnecessary
absences can cause a student to get behind academically.The elementary schools will be promoting positive attendance this
school year through various attendance challenges. Possible challenges include: a pizza or ice cream party for the first class to reach ten days of
perfect attendance, the opportunity to hang a medallion outside the classroom
for classes with the highest attendance rate and free pizza drawings
for families.

To keep conversation going about attendance at home, ask your
child what attendance challenge his/her school is participating in. Remember
your school social worker is here to help! If you have any questions or concerns
about your child’s attendance please contact your School Social Worker.

*Reminder- Please call to report any absence.
—Ashley baker

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